
{lucky dozen}

For someone who likes to organize but leaves herself in the dust when it comes to fashion, this little ditty I found on Pinterest made me think twice! I actually think I will have this on my iPhone when I go shopping. In reality, I have a few pieces (obviously not naked at the moment)  and I could totally stand buying a few new pieces. I think this will make my life easier, dontcha think? I wouldn't HAVE to think every morning! I might substitute some skirts for other coloured pants as I'm not a skirt lover. Okay, I really need to go purge my closet now....

{what's on my desktop?}

Every month I upload a new FREE desktop calendar to my computer. I luv her artwork! I can't believe it free! Today I was on Leelou Blogs and asked if she could make an itty bitty one for my iPhone, but then I discovered that if I hold down my finger on the photo it will save to my camera file and then I can select to use it as "wallpaper", reduce the size, and save as my lock screen! ta-daa! It look so cute! Here it is: